Tuesday, March 22, 2011

“Sort Mania” is an educational game that teaches players how to recycle. I know this game may not seem like it would fit into the Physical Education Elementary Curriculum but we actually spend time discussing the importance of protecting the earth and recycling as well. The concept of recycling ties into our curriculum units of healthy choices and healthy activities. I also reinforce this concept while working in other units by playing games with recycling themes. That being said, I was really excited to find the game “Sort Mania” on the EPA (United States Environmental Protection Agency) website. I played the easy version of this game to see if it would be good for my younger students. I was surprised to see how long the game was (after the fourth level completed I was only about one fifth of the way through the game.) I thought the game was really fun and very motivating for the player. Each level had a choice of different recycle bins and my job was to click and drag the items into the correct recycling bin. If I got it wrong, the evil trashcan would make a sinister laugh and gobble up my trash! The recycling bins were cute and would smile and lick their lips each time I correctly sorted the recycling items. What I really liked about this game was that after each level completed I got to plant my choice of flower, fruit, or veggie to decorate my garden that I could take a picture of and e-mail. The image above this post shows you the garden I was creating while playing this game. I can just see my students being so proud of their progress and posting the picture on their refrigerator or sending it via e-mail to their parents. How great is that?! I will definitely share this website with my students as well as the recycling coordinator and my school. The EPA had a lot of other games that they offered so I highly recommend people checking out their website to see what they have to offer.

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